Bee populations are critical for ensuring a healthy environment. Please give today to build a healthier, more resilient future for bees in New Hampshire and beyond.

Scholarship for students in agricultural, biology, and honey bee related fields
The purpose of the scholarship program is to disburse scholarship money to graduating high school seniors and post secondary students who are continuing in a post secondary school in agricultural, biology, and/or honey bee related field.
- Candidates must graduate from high school and be enrolled in a post secondary school.
- Candidates must be continuing school in an agricultural, biology, and/or honey bee related field.
- Candidates must be a member of a NH bee club or an immediate dependent of a member of a NH bee club.
The scholarship has an Essay submission deadline of May 1st in order to have the committee review. NHBA will make a presentation/announcement at our Summer NHBA Meeting.
The essay will consist of 300 words on your goals regarding the field of study chosen.
There is one award of $1000.00
Submit Application by email or mail:
NHBA Scholarship Applicationβ
c/o Dan Wilson
41 Wildcrest Ave
Billerica MA 01821