Local Beekeeping clubs
Engage with your local beekeeping club
Local beekeeping associations throughout New Hampshire are dedicated to apiculture and the education of the art & science of beekeeping among beekeepers, agriculture, and the general public. Come to a meeting!
Pemi-Baker Beekeepers Association
Every second Tuesday of the month
7 PM - 9 PM
Capital Area Beekeepers Association
Meets 2nd Friday of the month
7:00ย pm
Pawtuckaway Beekeepers Association
Third Monday of the Month
7 PM - 9 PM
Monadnock Beekeepers Association
1st Thursday of the month, in-person and via zoom, Except 2nd Thursday in July and August, and no meetings in December or January
5:30 pm
North Country Beekeepers Association
Second Sunday of each month.
6 PM- 8:30 PM
Merrimack Valley Beekeepers Association
1st Saturday of the month
Social hour 6:30 PM, Bee talk: 7:30-9:00 PM
Seacoast Beekeepers Association
Every third Thursday of the Month, except December
7 PM - 9 PM
Winnipesaukee Beekeepers Association
First Wednesday of the month
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Kearsarge Beekeepers
2nd Saturday of the month
9:00-11:00 am
Bee world fun fact
Worker honey bees live for about 4 weeks in the spring or summer but up to 6 months during the winter.