Local Club

Pawtuckaway Beekeepers Association

Meeting Times and Location
Third Monday of the Month
7 PM - 9 PM
15 Church St, Deerfield, NH,
Social Media

The Pawtuckaway Beekeepers' Association is a diverse group of people who meet to learn about, discuss, and promote all aspects of beekeeping and honey production.  

We are hobbyists, sideliners, commercial beekeepers, and people interested in becoming beekeepers.

For most of the year, our meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Deerfield Community Church at 15 Church St. in Deerfiled, NH. In the summer we have our annual cookout and hive-side demo and at one of our members' homes giving our membership an opportunity to to visit other apairies and different places where beekeeping is an important part of everyday life.

Once a year we offer Bee School, a series of classes in beekeeping that are taught by beekeepers.

Bee School Information

Pawtuckaway Beekeepers Bee School 2025

Registration is now open.  Class size is limited.

Beekeeping can be a fascinating hobby, a profitable sideline, or a full-time occupation. You may want to keep bees for the delicious fresh honey they produce, for the benefit of their valuable services as pollinators, or perhaps simply for the enjoyment of learning more about one of nature’s most interesting insects.

The course endeavors to develop enough knowledge, skills, and confidence for you to begin keeping bees. Virtual and in-person workshop lessons include:

  • Basic bee biology
  • Standard beekeeping equipment & obtaining bees
  • Hive location and setting up your apiary
  • Honey bee colony management and assessments
  • Seasonal beekeeping responsibilities
  • Pest and Disease management practices
  • Live hiving of honey bees (date determined by the arrival of bees and weather)

Format: The course will run (3) consecutive Tuesday evenings via Zoom for 2-hours each plus a full Saturday in-person at Deerfield Community Church on February 15th.

January 28th, February 4th and February 11th: on-line via Zoom (details will be provided)

February 15th: 10 AM to 4 PM @ Deerfield Community Church, 15 Church Street, Deerfield, NH (Snow date Feb-22)

Cost for the course is $100 and includes a 1-year non-voting club membership.  Recommended textbook is Beekeeping for Dummies 5th edition

The link to register and pay is: https://pawtuckawaybeekeepers.org/home/membership-account/membership-levels/

Karen Eaton teaching bee school.

Upcoming events

Please join us for local beekeeping events hosted by this club.

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Bee world fun fact

Honey is 80% sugars and 20% water.