
NHBA Muster Field Farm Picnic

July 27, 2024
10:00 am
3:00 pm
Join us for the NHBA annual summer picnic and smoker contest
Muster Field Farm Museum, Harvey Road, North Sutton, NH

NHBA is proud to announce our guest speaker for the Muster Field Farm Annual Picnic:

Dr. David Peck will be speaking on "Will We Get a Mite-Proof Bee?"



David T. Peck, Ph.D.
David T. Peck, Ph.D.

Dr. Peck is the Director of Research and Education at Betterbee in Greenwich, NY, where he assists in product development and research, and also teaches classes and develops scientifically-sound educational materials. His doctoral work in Cornell University's Department of Neurobiology and Behavior was supervised by Professor Tom Seeley. His dissertation research focused on the transmission of mites between bee colonies, as well as the mite-resistance traits of the untreated honey bees living in Cornell's Arnot Forest.

After earning his degree, he has continued to research varroa/bee interactions, including fieldwork in Newfoundland, Canada (where varroa still have not arrived) and Anosy Madagascar (where varroa arrived only in 2010 or 2011). He has served as a teaching postdoctoral fellow in Cornell's Department of Entomology, and is still affiliated with Cornell through the Honey Bee Health program in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Peck has kept bees for more than a decade, though his home apiary is often full of mite-riddled research colonies so he doesn't usually produce much honey.

This event is free to all but registration is required. Please register here (at the bottom of the page):


The event will also feature multiple interactive stations:



Reyah Carlson


Reyah Carlson: Apitherapy Demonstrations. Reyah will be bringing her therapy bees and supplies and will give you the opportunity to try some bee stings for what ails you. She will also have some supplies and products of the hive for purchase.


Reyah is a nationally and internationally recognized apitherapist and a member of the American Apitherapy Society.

There is nothing new about apitherapy; the healing properties of the hive have been demonstrated time and time again since the beginning of beekeeping. There are documents in China dating well over 2000 years regarding sting therapy, and the healing benefits from other honey bee made products. Hypocrites himself utilized live and dried honeybees in his practice referring to the venom as a "strange and mysterious medicine." After all, how could something that caused such initial pain, relieve pain? Something that causes initial inflammation be anti-inflammatory? Indeed! Honeybees and their perfect society, are very mysterious, which I am sure is what keeps me focused on these marvelous creatures, and the medicine chest that offers something for everybody, known as "The Beehive". Conditions and diseases from A to Z can be helped and improved through the use of something in that beehive. I see this on a daily basis, having given stings to over 2000 people from around the world, and to date having received over 25,000 stings myself. For now, BEE healthy, BEE happy








Janice Hall Mercieri

Janice Mercieri: Oxalic Acid Treatment demonstrations including Lorobbees Instant Vap. Janice will have Instant Vaps to purchase and other unique beekeeping equipment to keep yourself cool and organized this summer.


Janice Mercieri is co-owner of White Mountain Apiary & Bee Farm with her husband Joe. She is also President of North Country Beekeepers and on the New Hampshire Beekeepers Association Executive Board.
She’s been keeping bees for 14 years and has hives in Whitefield, Sugar Hill, Bethlehem, and Dalton. She is a Cornell Master Beekeeper and the 2021 NH Beekeeper of the Year.
Besides selling bee equipment, growing queens and colonies for NH and VT beekeepers, she teaches bee classes and provides bee lectures to surrounding schools and provides many stores and restaurants with a variety of her products from the hive.









Mike Plunkett

‍Mike Plunkett: Β What Hive Works for You? There are more than just Langstroth hives. Check out multiple hive types and variations and learn about their advantages and disadvantages. Who knows? you might find a new favorite!


Mike is the current NHBA Membership Chair and owner of By the Brook Apiary. He became interested in beekeeping 5 years ago and is active with the Kearsarge and New Hampshire Beekeepers Associations.

He grew up in South Newbury, graduated Kearsarge Regional High School and served 8 years in the US Coast Guard as a heavy weather cox’n.
He returned to New Hampshire to raise his family and began a career as a carpenter and painter which you can find him doing today.












Starsha Kolodziej

‍Starsha Kolodziej: Hands-on Drone Marking. Want to learn how to mark a queen but afraid to hurt her? Starsha will show you how to learn by marking drones for practice. By the time you are done you will feel confident enough to mark drones in your own yard and even your queen!

Starsha Kolodziej, owner of Eldariel’s HiveWorks, has been playing in bees for 14 years. Β Her modest apiary is located next to her mother's organic blueberry farm in Salem, NH, and she also keeps one colony in Laconia, NH. Β She has been a member of the NHBA board for several years as President and now Vice President. She often assists others in mentoring and tending their bees. Β A scientist by nature and education, Starsha enjoys the thrill of discovery and observation.














‍Wellscroft Fence Systems: Bee Yard Electric Fencing

Colin Kennard and the Wellscroft crew will demonstrate best bear fencing practices for your apiary, explain energizers, have hands-on lessons in fence set-up and will have equipment available for purchase.

Bears, skunks, raccoons and small predators are a serious threat to apiaries. A single bear will frequently return nightly to feast on the brood, honey and honeycomb. Hives are vulnerable year-round, but particularly when bears awaken from winter hibernation in the spring and when they are building fat reserves in the fall in preparation for winter. With the number of bees declining, it is more important than ever to keep them safe and thriving. Wellscroft offers both electric netting and single strand conductors to get the job done. Learn more here









The USDA Farm Service Agency is equitably serving all farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective, efficient agricultural programs for all Americans.

Marilyn Milne, the NH FSA Executive Officer will provide information on assistance available for Commercial Honey Producers, including the Non-Insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) and the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm Raised Fish Program (ELAP).













And don't forget the BBQ and the smoker contest! The event is free to all New Hampshire Beekeepers.








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