The call has gone out and we have responded.
Do you have time to help out a world renowned beekeeper in his time of need? Mike( French Hill Apiaries)is in immediate need of beekeepers top help pull his honey supers and help extract. In return he has sent NHBA sixteen Palmer queens as a thank you to whomever can help him in his apiary.
In addition the Beekeeper's Relief Fund has donated Irving gas cards to beekeepers driving long distances as a thank you for assisting Mike get through his situation. Please contact Mary Ellen McKeen, NHBA President maryellen.nhba@gmail.com, if you can drop what you are doing and help out. He has a last minute request for tomorrow 08/16/24 and then we will open up sign ups for next week. Mike will also need help in the honey house when the harvest is pulled, applying varroa treatments, and winterizing. So if you can't make it now perhaps you can help out in a couple weeks.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with one of the grandfathers of our northern queen stock. After volunteering we will give you one of your very own Mike Palmer queens!